Sunday, May 6, 2007

So tonight two things happened. . .
I went to see Half Nelson

I loved this film. Ryan Gosling is becoming one of my favourite actors. He's amazing in this role, not to mention nice to look at.

Anyway, Sarkozy won the election. 53% was quite close though. I'm just upset because I can understand Royals french better!


Marie said...

Ryan is Canadian, Ryan is Canadian, Ryan is Canadian.Have you ever seen this video on youtube of him and his girlfriend at some award show?Best kissing scene ever!!
Buuuuuuuuuuh the French

Lana said...

have i seen it?? of course!! he is wearing a save darfur tee too! his girlfriend is rachel mcadams.. she's in three of my fave films, mean girls, wedding crashers and notebook! he is so fit. his body is perfect in my eyes. ok done being crazy fangirl now!