Monday, November 5, 2007

I've never known anybody to be a fan of boxing. Yet in a bar on Saturday night, I'd guess at least 200 people were glued to some boxing match. (Don't even ask me who was playing). People are so angry these days. I was sitting just below a flatscreen tv facing the spectators and whenever I stood up to go to the loo or bar, people would scream at me!

Still nursing a cold/throat/head thing I've had for 2+ weeks now. One of the only reasons why I hate November. There's cold germs lingering in the air, all month long. On the plus side, only about 2 weeks until I can watch Love Actually without feeling bad.


Marie said...

Poor little you!!
Boxing is stupid!Why do people like watching 2 guys hitting each other is one of earth's wonder...

Lana said...

and especially on a saturday night in dublin, you could just go onto the street and watch two guys in a fight... ah dublin is great (!)